Education of Light is an inspiring way to see life and its wonders through the eyes of Source. This always happens whenever you feel love, passion, excitement, freedom, joy, expansion, power and vitality.
This is the education of the new century, a practical school to master your thoughts, emotions, relationships, career and every life experience you choose to live. It is the education for the children and adults of the New Era, the Era of Light; for experiencing joy, freedom, and love as natural qualities.
It is a place to co-create uplifting emotions and new combinations of words that create new relationships, new businesses, new visions and new ideas … a new society.
Rather than teaching children how to perform, we remind them to be happy, because when they are in a state of joy every action that follows is in flow, inspired and effortless. They can be much more productive when they first align their thoughts with who they really are before taking action. This is true alignment, true productivity because the action comes from love and this brings every possible bliss.
Education of Light is for teachers, parents, home-schooling parents, coaches, life seekers and everyone involved in the educational and self-development field. Education of Light is the answer to the modern lack of meaning and emotional/psychological support in school and society. Most schools have to hire counsellors in order to prevent and deal with youth problems.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we raise a generation of present, solid and ready-to-fly adolescents who have been taught that life is an amazing adventure; that they are here to gather information and then decide what they want and go for it; who have a deep understanding of emotions and relationships; and who know how to speak from the heart without fear?
What if we can have a generation of teachers that embrace understanding and empowerment of the human beings: magnetic teachers whose purpose is to share with kids their excitement for life and that, like spiritual mentors, lead children in recognizing their own emotional guidance system to help them make the choices that most resonate within? Wouldn’t it be just fantastic to uplift someone, providing such enlightened education? Isn’t it the real meaning of education, the reason why most teachers started their careers? Many of them have lost the initial enthusiasm because they have lost contact with this truth. Education of Light restores the status of education to the highest rank, as it determines how we are going to feel, perceive and embrace life.
As Steiner and Montessori were the educational paradigms of the last century, Education of Light is the education of the new century. There are already democratic schools that invite the principle of freedom in their curriculum and it is absolutely awesome. Education of Light not only provides freedom, but adds a holistic vision of the human being and its creative powers through the Law of Attraction and the other laws of the Universe, along with Quantum Physics and a deep understanding of the emotions and their meaning.
Our books -Education of Light and Palloncino’s series- teach spiritual principles by entertaining and, most of all, focusing on JOY as the highest teaching of all, because for us, real success passes through joy. Anything else that does not bring joy and lightness, it is not so important. Our books empower the child’s unique point of view, embracing his sensitivity and offering power to his feelings, rather than imparting something of external. This is our greatest strength.
Table of contents:
“Education of Light” consists of 8 chapters and each of them corresponds to a colour of the rainbow: a metaphor that creativity and colours are at the basis of the Universe we live in. The last chapter is white, because it signifies the light spectrum which contains the whole rainbow and let the colours shine in terms of talents and resources.
“Dedicated to the child in each and every one of us … So that it never ceases to laugh, skip, dream…”
- Red “The purpose of education is JOY”
Let your Light Shine
The sparkling Diamond
Education to self-expression
Education to the meaning of life
Seeking Passion
Education at all ages
Ask and it is Given: the key principle in education
Light is a Rainbow of Colours
An Inspired educator Inspires others
- Orange “Embracing a broader perspective”
The vibrational nature of the Universe
The relationship between parents and children
From concern to positive attention
Attention is Love
From obligation to Pleasure
The evolution of acceptance: the Art of Allowing
Meditation is allowing
The power of Appreciation
Turn on a Luminous network
Education about the continuity of life
- Yellow “Co-creating a leading edge school”
An Innovative education creates an Innovative society
The school offers Evolution
The Dream school
Everything is education
Exploring the unknown
Living the experience of the Journey
Different meanings create different realities
There are always more Possibilities
- Green “The spiral model for an Infinite education”
The Wisdom of the Heart
Make space to listen
Structure and flexibility
A wide open program
Freedom of choice
The freshness of co-creative teaching
Desires illuminates knowledge
The preciousness of individual differences
Personalizing educational paths
Self-assessment is personal responsibility
- Blue “Creativity and Imagination”
Freedom inspires Creativity
Creativity is a call of your Soul
Inspired and Fun subjects
The game of co-creating
Thoughts, words and images create your reality
Imagining the future and re-writing the past
An example of Creative Imagination
Be a Creator of Images
Creating Beauty
Talents at work
- Indigo “The pursuit of Inspiration and Intuition”
Stimulating Initiative
The game of Inspiration
Teaching through the Spiral model: colour, sound and movement
Wonders in nature
Emotional Learning
The dynamic version of knowledge
Sacred Spaces and intervals
Connecting the dots … to see the thread that connects them all
Follow what Attracts you
Trust your Intuition
Honour your Inner Wisdom
- Violet “Educating to Dream”
The substance that generates Life
Desires: signs from the Soul
Singing your Desires
Dancing the Infinite
The Law of Attraction leads the way
The euphoria of co-creating
Education to Lightness
Look at the positive aspects … always!
- White “Educating to Freedom”
Slow down to listen
The courage to change
Balancing being and doing
The way of Harmony
Contacting yourself
Loving yourself
The art of Listening to the children
Freedom of choice
The structure of Joy
Expression is Life
Acknowledgments and Appreciations