Coloured balloons at Rainbow Light School

In episode # 17 “Coloured Balloons” of the inspirational children’s book series “The Travels of Palloncino” we also entered the story: Palloncino and the FriendsBalloon venture into the Rainbow Light School park for the first time!
The resulting co-creation is exhilarating and surprising, reflecting Rainbow Light School‘s uplifting messages.

Through joy we enter the vortex, our more evolved, fun and colourful version, allowing the inner light to shine into our lives and illuminating those of others. When we become light and radiate love, joy and freedom, we experience the highest meaning of existence and children are great masters at this.
Happy reading!

Palloncino is flying over a playground with the FriendsBalloon, when he gets a brilliant idea on how to entertain the children. the complicity of the gentleman with the coloured balloons will be the key to giving those children a surprise filled with wonder and marvel, and one they will never forget.

Book excerpt:

…The children are speechless and admire their special “coloured balloons” with amazement.
“Yay, how nice!”
“Hello!” they shout loudly.
“Did you enjoy the surprise?”
the “coloured balloons” ask.
“Yes!!!” the children answer with an unanimous voice that is heard throughout the park.

The “coloured balloons” spend the day with the children laughing and joking, twisting and untwisting their strings, hiding in the trees, lifting the children slightly off the ground and reminding them to be happy.

Finally, the children let go of their strings to let the special “coloured balloons” return to the Garden of Wonders.
“Thank you!!!” shout the children happy to have spent the day with them.
Palloncino and Palloncina say:
“Remember that whenever you want, we will be with you: all you have to do is think of having a string in your hands… look up and you will see our smile…”


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