Follow what attracts you


Following what attracts you is the quickest and funniest way to realize yourself and your dreams.

How do you want to live the journey towards your desires? In other words, the meaning of life which is expressed in every moment you breathe? The paths are endless, because there are infinite possibilities to express and realize yourself, just choose how you want to live and which colors, movements and sounds you want to dress every day.

If you follow your Inner Being, you’ll aways be in the perfect place, where there is something for you to discover, nurture, reveal, embrace … And the easiest way to follow your Inspiration or Inner Being, is to listen to what you  are attracted to.

If we limit the space we dedicate to these “inner calls”, because we consider them unimportant or details in comparison to what we really want, maybe we lose the sense of the journey and, without realizing it, we move away from the biggest dreams.

Before getting to the great dreams, we have the possibility to be nurtured by the small dreams; those that are more handy, affordable and could make a big difference in our lives in terms of pleasure, satisfaction and beauty.

We might not immediately find the logical thread between what attracts us now and our dreams, but we will understand it later. The important thing is to follow something that you feel inside, even if you do not know how to explain it, but you feel it gives us joy, a sense of peace and well-being. The important thing is to have the sensitivity and the courage to follow that sign.

Thus do not discard what gives you a sense of well-being now, because often the so-called-small-dreams prepare the way to bigger dreams. The only time when we can co-create our reality, is now, the present moment.

If you allow yourself to feel appreciation ​​for the small pieces that begin to compose your puzzle, you activate an incredible power inside you, which molds the Energy that Creates Worlds, the creative power that resides everywhere in the Universe.

Steve Jobs started a calligraphy class without knowing why. Although he did not know the bigger picture, he attended the calligraphy course because he was attracted by it, not because he believed that he would need it in order to create one of the largest tech companies in the world. This allowed him to have fun during the journey that then led him to his bigger dream. He went for a small dream, the calligraphy lessons, without  depriving himself of something he liked.

The greater joy you feel when you do something, the greater success will follow.

It is not pointless to dedicate yourself to what attracts you: it is the most direct path to happiness and success, either if you want to set up an international business or to better care for your children.


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