Tale of Light & the Spiral of Colours
“Tale of Light & the Spiral of Colours” is a leading-edge creative process designed to access your most precious resources and SOULutions directly from your Inner Being or Soul. It has been gifted to me by Source to support you and I’ve ever since used it as an energetic screening tool to set the direction back to your Power Source. It does not matter if you’re seeking spiritual, emotional or psychological relief, physical healing, empowerment or any kind of support to fulfil your soul’s purpose, lifestyle or business destiny.
“Tale of Light & the Spiral of Colours” unfolds your infinite possibilities to thrive as it’s designed to identify where you’re right now – through the first spiral, I ask you to draw, along with words that come up and describe your emotional state – and carry you where you’re meant to be, your Truth.
This first spontaneous spiral that you draw is like a picture of you here and now and it often points out eventual resistances you are experiencing. Once this first phase is complete, I invite you to write down words that come to you without filters: just the first ones that you receive spontaneously, no matter if they make no sense to you (they always make sense to me;-)
Out of these 5-15 words (approximately), you’re going to write a tale, making sure that you’re using all of them. It does not have to be a long tale, just include all your words and follow your inspiration.
In the last phase, you’re invited to draw a final spiral using all the colours you’re drawn to, like in spiral n.1. If you feel words coming up you can write them down, as you draw.

The whole process is guided and I have shared it to let you know what usually looks like during the first session with me. You’re welcome to do the process on your own if we have already done it together and you want to do an update. In fact, “Tale of Light & the Spiral of Colours” can be done more than once as you progress in your life and want to have another powerful insight after a while.
Having worked as a holistic psychologist for 8+ years I have read and interpreted many creative psychological tests for children and I have combined this skill set with my intuition in the “Tale of Light & the Spiral of Colours”.
I look at the drawings in great detail: the colours you use and their meanings, the position and size of the spiral and its movement and so on. Of course, I cannot summarize years of study and practice in a few sentences, as it has become second nature to me.
That’s why I highly recommend you to schedule a Rainbow Session – or a package if you’d like more than one – to unlock all the messages you’ll receive from your “Tale of Light & the Spiral of Colours” process and implement it on a practical level. If you do it by yourself, you’re probably not able to read properly all the signs you receive and this could result in diminishing the process’ effectiveness and liberating power. Besides, when you have someone guiding you, you are able to relax more and be 100% immersed in the process, not in its unfolding.
Rainbow Sessions are designed to support you in releasing old programming, limiting beliefs and negative patterns to embrace the greatest version of who you truly are, by accessing your Power Source and stepping into the Realm of Infinite Possibilities.
Lorenzo and I use several other creative life-changing processes that we’ve designed to guide you back home, to your Rainbow Light.
May your Rainbow Light shines to enlighten your life and the whole Universe with Love, Joy and Freedom.
Client’s examples of “Tale of Light and Spiral of Colours”
Alice’s Tale of Light and Spiral of Colours
In the first spiral Alice writes two words in large letters: fear and freedom. Fear is the first word she writes at the bottom, while freedom is at the top. The spiral is quite large and coloured with all colours except blue, which symbolises communication, peace and introspection. This is the list for the Fairy Tale of Light:
Chinese Emperor
Journey of past, present, future memory
Water, waves
Connection to the universe
Magical vibrations
Force (propagating)
Into the infinite abyss of being
Fairy Tale of Light:
Once upon a time in Tibet there was an old Chinese emperor who was about to die and needed a successor in order to keep those lands free from possible invasion. He had no direct heirs, so while breathing deeply in his sleep, he had an idea for the future succession. He imagined with his fantastic brain that he could entrust it to an animal, as had perhaps been the case in the past. He thought of a ladybird that came to visit him every day. But he wanted to make it more visible and enable it to communicate with the entire universe, so he went in search of the magical vibrations he had heard about. It seemed that they could transform the ladybird with the waves into some kind of large, talking animal. So in her wild imagination and with all the strength she possessed in her infinite abyss of being, she summoned some servants to perform the ceremony on the waves of the sea and it all became real.
In the second spiral Alice uses all the colours and the sheet seems narrow to her: her spiral is much larger than the previous one, she would need a larger sheet. Alice feels very relaxed. She is faced with a decision to make in her life: to continue with her current job, which provides her with a certain peace of mind but which is only a small part of her larger aspiration, or to launch herself into what she would like to become her real job, a full-time artist. Her inner world offers her the following resources: relying on her most instinctive part – the old Chinese emperor who dreams of a ladybird, the symbol of instinct – and the possibility of letting this part develop, here the emperor goes in search of magical vibrations to strengthen the ladybird. The old emperor may represent the rational part of Alice which, tired of ruling her life, would like to entrust her heritage to another part.
Alice is indeed tired of dividing herself between two roles and two jobs and wishes to assert herself in the one she is most passionate about. Alice’s inner self offers her a flash of genius: having the mental part, which has been overused, withdrawn in favour of a part more in tune with her aspirations. Having been less used, the more instinctive part is less developed than the other and needs to mature to be truly effective. The emperor knows that the ladybird is less visible and resorts to transformation with waves – a symbol of the emotions and their transformative power –
which transmutes the ladybird into a large, talking animal. The deepest part of Alice acquires expressive power, and becomes speaking, that is, communicative, in contact with the Universe and its infinite wisdom. In the first spiral, blue, the colour par excellence of expressiveness, is absent. Through this tale, Alice gives voice to the part of herself that she has always kept at bay, so as not to risk failure. It empowers her and this is the greatest alchemical act of love she can make towards herself.
Giulio’s Tale of Light and Spiral of Colours
In the first spiral, Giulio draws a spiral that is a little flickering and quite small. The colours are all present and there are these words: life, love, joy, running, sharing. These are the words he chose for the Fairy Tale of Light:
Fairytale of Light:
‘The horse with great strength, runs far in the path of his life, alone and full of energy and strength.’
Giulio’s second spiral is slightly wider than the first and is more harmonious, and less flickering. Giulio is in the midst of a major change: he has just left his old job, which he no longer loved, to dive into a job he has always cultivated in his spare time. He has decided that it would become his main job; he no longer wants to compromise. He left a secure job he had held for many years precisely because his aspirations had changed. This has required a great deal of impetus on Giulio’s part, torn between a secure job, supported by his family, and a new job that represents a risk. Giulio’s inner world chooses, not by chance, the symbol par excellence of freedom, the horse, which runs far with great strength. This running far away is going towards himself, from which he feels he has been detached for too long. And he is alone, this is another important key for Giulio, who wants to savour total independence and freedom, even from his family, which threatens to get in his way. In fact, if he does not worry about what his family or colleagues might think, he feels full of strength and energy. That is why he wants to run alone, to reconnect with himself, his primordial strength and his soul. And Giulio’s run continues abroad towards freedom, because he has a great desire for it and does not want to give it up.
Miriam’s Fairy Tale of Light and Spiral of Colours
Miriam’s first spiral does not look like a spiral: the stroke is very square and broken. The colours used are: black, red and dark green; the words, starting at the bottom, are: guilt, anxiety, sadness and repeated thoughts. These are the words he chose for the Fairy Tale of Light:
Desire to live
Sense of futility
Fairytale of Light:
‘Insomnia had such a desire to live that she did not want to sleep. She wanted to go out, have fun, feel alive, love and be loved. A spiteful thought, however, kept her awake: she didn’t know what it was but it was so insistent that it gave her a sense of emptiness, fear and anguish and made her sick, so much so that she was obsessed with sleeping …’
In the second spiral Miriam uses the colour orange, uses a softer stroke and writes these words: rest, positive thoughts, light, selflessness, living in the present. Miriam is a girl who lately has difficulty falling asleep. She has decided to enrol in a school, but is no longer convinced about the choice she has made and feels a little pressurised. Above all, she is tense because she does not want to disappoint her parents. This feeling of guilt is actually the first word she has written on the first spiral. Paradoxically, it is the will to live, in the fairy tale, that keeps her awake. Her inner world gives her a track, a trail to follow: chasing her will to live. If she gets caught up in the fear of failure or of failing to please others, her will to live is out of play, because all her energy is focused on duty and not on pleasure. Her attitude towards this school was harnessing her, making her anxious and sad. By putting into action the resources offered by the Fairy Tale of Light, Miriam feels that she can face life with much more serenity. She feels in control of her decisions again and has reconsidered her choice of school.
Would you like to turn your life around? Book your Rainbow Session, or a package if you wish to embark on a path of transformation. You are here to realise your Divine Plan and shine, illuminating your existence and that of others. May your Rainbow Light be a beacon of Love, Joy and Freedom!